Wednesday, March 12, 2008

these pictures represent personality and charisma. i like them because they are fun and what not. we took these at our saturday meeting.


jesikah maria ross said...

i really appreciate how you are using your camera techniques--camera angles and levels to get a different perspective on the subjects! you might consider what it would be like to crop the image of Catie so as to not have branches coming out of her head and "dead space" (as me about this) to her right. and maybe crop a bit off the post Grant is poking his head around. it's taking up a bunch of space and i'm not sure it conveys that much. nice work!

oh snap its tina said...

I love the pictures you picked and i also love what you wrote.It was very good and entertaining.

Grant said...

look at both of these two people. i think they look like they would be an excellent couple. ha ha i love you catie