Wednesday, March 5, 2008

i took this picture cuz its of my's a pretty good lookin pic..


Anonymous said...

Nick I love that pic of Frankie.

Anonymous said...

i love this beezy.

jesikah maria ross said...

Nick, this is one of your best photos so far. i like how you've cropped it so that we focus just on the subject, your girlfriend. And using a high angle makes the image more interesting. Plus you are using the "rule of thirds" well by not having her exactly in the middle but just to the side, with the key part of the image--her face--at where the "thirds" intersect on the top right. Nice.

One thing you might want to keep in mind when using a high angle is the actual view you get--in this case a bit down your girlfriend's shirt. She may or may not be ok with the world seeing this much of her chest. Something to be aware of when you are representing others.