Wednesday, March 19, 2008

i took this picture because i thought that it sort of represents the "dryness" persay; that there is notmuch happening, it is kind of old fashoined type of town in west point.
but then i look around and i see reflections. such as in a mud puddle.
i turn and i see a flag..a much beauty that one needs to seek, but it is involentary.
when you look for the beauty, you see more ugly. but you find it in unexpected places..such as a mud puddle.


sparklyn said...

Those reflections are perfect. Very nice!

Melissa C. said...


I like your creativity with these pictures and this post. These pictures are a great choice to show side-by-side, because they really portray the tensions that may exist within the opportunities of the community. The way your portrayed and told the story of these pictures allows them to become symbolic images and portrayals of the community.

Great angles and depth! I love it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tina,

Where is this park? I would like to look at it. Quite a few years ago there was a person who tried to get a park going but it didn't work for a number of reasons. There is now a good chance that another park idea will make it. This park will be close to Sandy Gulch over by an old saw mill sight. I come to the youth center once in a while so the people there know who I am. If you want to know more or want to help with a new park I would be glad to talk with you about it.


Anonymous said...

Hi Catherine,
I love your photos and the way you developed your new understanding of finding beauty in unexpected ways. I think sometimes our society has structured a strict view on how to identify things as beautiful or not, so often I will go out of my way looking for specific flowers or specific landscapes that have to look as beautiful as a postcard. But, where I live in Davis I have learned that I only need to walk out my front door and look at all the trees, or go by the creek and I am surrounded by beauty. You reminded me that there is beauty everywhere and you only limit yourself by looking for the specific.