Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Passing It On

Evelyn Wilson is a Native American that helps teach a language class to get the younger generation involved in their heritage. She started in 2006 and has been doing it ever since. Evelyn was born and raised in Calaveras County. She is seventy four years old.  She graduated in 95 and has been marred for 54 years and has two children. The positives about the area for her is that it's peaceful, quiet and has a medical clinic and stores close by. But the most important thing is lots of family near by.  The negative thing about the area is the logging and all the bare spots. The good thing about her project is that anyone can join if they want to learn. It benefits the community by welcoming anyone who wants to learn the language.


jesikah maria ross said...

Joey and Chris

thanks so much for doing an interview with Evelyn to share what she is doing to pass on heritage and culture of the area. It is nice to also hear what she sees as the positive aspects of the community as well as the downsides. glad to have her voice and project work in the mix!