Thursday, May 22, 2008

Presentation Events are Almost Here!!!

The plans for the big events: June 1st in West Point and June 4th in Davis are falling into place! At UC Davis we were able to secure a large bus- video monitors, bathrooms, and comfy seats- to drive to West Point to pick up the Up from the UnderStory documentary team and their families. This was made possible, because of the help from Myra Llamas at the Student Recruitment and Retention Center on campus. Thank you Myra!

In addition to a great bus, we have received a donation from the Davis Food Co-op to provide a picnic lunch for the documentary team and UC Davis faculty on June 4th. The Davis Food Co-op is a community based grocery/health food store here in Davis. The store started in a Davis living room in 1972, but has now grown into a full-service grocery store that is owned and operated by local Davis households. The Davis Food Co-op is a great example of how a community came together through the use of resources (lots of organic food) to create a positive experience.

Just over 15 years ago community members, including families with kids, would help out at the store for a few hours a week. As a young child I remember being pulled by my mom in a radio flyer wagon with my siblings to the Co-op to help wrap cheese in individually packaging that could be sold. Now the store has gotten so large (they are completing a new renovation this year) that they have member cards and shares to help with the costs. Even with the growth and expansion the Davis Food Co-op still stays very involved in the community by offering community classes and donations for community events like the Up from the UnderStory presentation at UC Davis!
Here is a picture of an organic tomato statue in front of the Davis Food Co-op:


Anonymous said...

Those of us who have been working at BMCY&F for the last several years very much look forward to what could come of more collaborative efforts with the UC system. In addition to our youth center project we are looking at a series of work shops for local non profit sustainability, grant writing, mask making, green building & community gardens and a whole range of other issues. In addition we will be starting our "Green House" project which will be in conjunction with organic growing and a local youth life skills, job training, and residence program. All of this will blend with our ongoing community building work in place at the youth center. I believe we can all learn from each other how to create self sustaining communities that nurture and inspire young and old alike.
